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Boulders Penguin Colony: Explore a VIP Lounge for African Penguins

Welcome to the Boulders Penguin Colony, where our fine feathered friends, the African Penguins, have found refuge in a land-based utopia that’s almost as exclusive as a members-only club. This place is so unique that there are only a handful of such penguin VIP lounges worldwide, and it’s so famous that even penguins from other colonies dream of making it here.



As you navigate the Boulders section of TMNP, you’ll encounter three pristine beaches, one penguin viewing area, and three boardwalks. These boardwalks aren’t just fancy additions for human convenience—they’re like the penguin red carpets, designed to let you ogle at these magnificent birds without accidentally poking them with your enthusiastic fingers. So, do us all a favor and stick to the boardwalks. The penguins appreciate the personal space; after all, they’re not just another Instagrammable backdrop.


Now, you might think these penguins are the epitome of cuteness, and you’re not wrong. But be warned: those innocent looks are deceiving. Their beaks are as sharp as razors, and if you dare to cross the line, they won’t hesitate to give your fingers or nose a reality check. It’s like dealing with tiny, feathery ninjas—adorable but deadly.


And if you’re worried about the penguins’ well-being, you should be. These African Penguins were downgraded from ‘Vulnerable’ to ‘Endangered’ faster than you can say “flightless birds in crisis.” Back in the day, there were around 150,000 breeding pairs, but now we’re left with a measly 26,000. That’s an 80% drop, folks. Blame it on habitat destruction, oil spills, global warming messing with fish stocks, overfishing, irresponsible tourists, and even your neighbor’s pet dog—everyone’s got a part to play in this penguin drama.



But fear not, concerned citizen! You can be a hero too. If you want to rescue these dapper birds from the brink of extinction, ring up SANCCOB at +27(0)21 557 6155. They probably have a hotline for penguin emergencies, like a feathered 911.


As for what you can do at Boulders, it’s not just about penguins and impending ecological doom. You can enjoy restaurants and B&Bs conveniently located nearby. Fancy a swim? Go for it. Want a beach picnic? Knock yourself out. Just remember, Boulders is a safe beach with rangers on patrol, so you won’t have to fend off rogue penguins or anything.

A few things to keep in mind: parking is as limited as your chances of finding a unicorn, so come early, alcohol and smoking are big no-nos, and the beach space depends on the tides. Oh, and forget about bringing your canoe or kayak—Boulders is a penguin sanctuary, not a water sports haven.


So there you have it, an invitation to witness the penguin elite in all their glory. Just be mindful, follow the rules, and maybe, just maybe, we can reverse this penguin party from an endangered affair to a thriving soiree. It’s time to save the penguins, one waddle at a time.

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