As 2023 unfolds, the world of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is taking significant strides. Apple introduced the Vision Pro, positioning itself as a major player in the AR and VR space. While the competition welcomed Apple’s entry, it created a pressure to deliver and validated years of work for these established players.
In this arena, Meta (formerly Facebook) has introduced the Quest 3, which is aimed at a more mainstream audience with a price point of $500. This price, though not quite reaching full mainstream status, is considered a reasonable request for many potential users. The significant difference in price between the Quest 3 and Apple’s Vision Pro ($3,000 less) highlights the wide distinction in audience, positioning Meta as an accessible option.
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, referred to the Quest 3 as “the first mainstream headset with high-res color mixed reality,” emphasizing the device’s focus on mainstream users. This contrast reveals the different demographics and intended markets for these devices, as Apple’s offering caters to high-end users, while Meta targets a broader audience.
The success of Meta’s Quest 3 is relative, as it faces competition from brands like Apple, Magic Leap, and Sony. Nevertheless, Meta maintains the top spot in terms of market share, owning 84.6% of the AR/VR market in Q2 2022, although its market share dropped slightly to 50.2% in Q2 2023, due to the arrival of Sony’s PSVR 2.
Meta’s Quest 3 offers the ability to integrate games into AR environments, catering to a wide range of users. The device’s lightweight design and portable nature contribute to its appeal, with a battery life of 2.5 hours. Enhanced resolution, streamlined controllers, and compatibility with the Quest 2’s content catalog make it a compelling option for VR enthusiasts.
Overall, the Meta Quest 3 represents an accessible entry point into the world of AR and VR, and its more reasonable price point may encourage broader adoption among users.