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The Internet Archive Preserves Aruba’s Entire National History

The Internet Archive has taken on a monumental task by becoming the official custodian of Aruba’s entire national history, marking a significant expansion of its role in digital preservation.

Project Overview:

  • The Aruba Collection hosted by the Internet Archive encompasses digitized versions of Aruba’s National Library, National Archives, and other cultural institutions.
  • The collection includes over 101,000 items, ranging from documents and images to 3D objects, providing a comprehensive archive of the nation’s heritage.
  • Aruba’s turbulent past, from colonization to contemporary developments, is captured within these digital records, offering valuable insights into its history and culture.

Collaboration and Implementation:

  • The project was initiated in 2018, driven by Stacy Argondizzo’s vision to preserve Aruba’s history while working at the Internet Archive.
  • Collaboration between Argondizzo and key stakeholders in Aruba, including the national library and archives, facilitated the digitization process.
  • Despite limited resources, Aruba contributed scanning equipment, while the Internet Archive provided software and expertise to organize and digitize the extensive collection.

Significance and Implications:

  • The Internet Archive’s involvement signifies a pioneering effort in national-scale digital preservation, showcasing its commitment to making historical resources accessible online.
  • Aruba’s endorsement highlights the viability of partnerships between countries and private organizations like the Internet Archive to address preservation challenges.
  • The project serves as a model for other nations, especially those with limited resources, seeking to digitize and safeguard their cultural heritage for future generations.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • While the Internet Archive’s preservation efforts are commendable, it faces legal challenges that could impact its future operations.
  • The ongoing lawsuit from major record labels and disputes over digital lending libraries underscore the complex landscape of copyright and digital preservation.
  • Despite these challenges, the Internet Archive remains steadfast in its commitment to long-term preservation and accessibility.


  • The Internet Archive’s stewardship of Aruba’s national history represents a significant milestone in digital preservation, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in safeguarding cultural heritage.
  • As the project continues to expand, it sets a precedent for global initiatives aimed at preserving diverse cultural narratives in the digital age.

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