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Revving Through the Years: A Decade of South Africa’s Vehicle Market Evolution

As we bid farewell to 2023, let’s take a nostalgic drive down memory lane, exploring the twists and turns that have defined South Africa’s new vehicle market from 2014 to now. Buckle up as we navigate through the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic shifts, and industry resilience, unveiling the road ahead for 2024.

Road to Recovery: Post-Pandemic Market Trends:

Despite the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic challenges, the South African new vehicle market is showing resilience. Aggregate sales in Q3 2023 reflect a 1.8% decline compared to the same period in 2022, but a promising 6.3% increase from Q2 2023. Notably, new energy vehicle sales have surged by an impressive 111.9%, signaling a shift towards sustainable mobility.

Industry Dynamics: Employment and Capacity Utilization:

A peek under the hood reveals that industry employment reached 33,620 in Q3 2023, a modest increase of 123 jobs from the previous quarter. Capacity utilization mirrors a rebound in vehicle production to pre-pandemic levels, though challenges like the global semiconductor shortage, load shedding, and logistical hurdles have impacted operations to varying degrees across segments.

Charting the Journey: A Decade of Sales Data:

Total Local Car Market:

  • 2014: 438,937
  • 2015: 412,397
  • 2016: 361,265
  • 2017: 368,114
  • 2018: 365,247
  • 2019: 355,379
  • 2020: 246,541
  • 2021: 304,341
  • 2022: 363,696
  • 2023 (Projected): 375,000
  • 2024 (Projected): 400,000

Total Local LCV Market:

  • 2014: 173,811
  • 2015: 174,812
  • 2016: 159,316
  • 2017: 163,317
  • 2018: 159,525
  • 2019: 153,221
  • 2020: 110,912
  • 2021: 113,077
  • 2022: 135,713
  • 2023 (Projected): 157,000
  • 2024 (Projected): 168,000

Projections for 2024: The Road Ahead:

While the data hints at a return to pre-pandemic annual sales levels, with projections reaching 375,000 in 2023 and a promising 400,000 in 2024, it’s essential to note the market’s ebbs and flows. The golden era between 2014 and 2015 showcased peak sales, and current projections suggest a gradual climb, with the glory days of a decade ago expected to be surpassed in the next 2-3 years.

As we accelerate into the future, the South African vehicle market holds the promise of resilience, adaptation, and an exciting journey ahead. Stay tuned as the industry navigates through challenges, embraces sustainability, and charts new milestones on the road to 2024 and beyond.

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