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Volvo EM90: Unleashing the Scandinavian Beast with a Dash of Electric Sass!

In a world where electric vehicles are becoming as common as dad jokes at a family reunion, Volvo has stepped into the ring with the EM90, ready to electrify your ride and tickle your funny bone. Jim Rowan, Volvo’s chief executive and resident electric car enthusiast, proudly declares, “With the EM90, we’re taking Volvo Cars’ heritage and leadership in safety into the exciting new electric MPV segment. It allows us to tap new market demand we’ve not explored before and broadens the appeal of the Volvo brand to more people.”

Gone are the days of humming internal combustion engines (ICE) stealing the spotlight. The EM90 struts onto the scene with a bold exterior that could make a Viking blush. From the attention-grabbing “Thor’s Hammer” headlight array to the illuminating front grille and logo, Volvo’s signature vertical taillights, and wheels so aerodynamic they could double as a wind turbine – this car screams, “Look at me, I’m electric and fabulous!”


Step inside, and you’ll find yourself in what Volvo lovingly calls “a living room on the move.” The plush leather-laden cabin is more luxurious than your grandma’s Sunday best. Technophiles, brace yourselves for the 15.4-inch infotainment screen, a 21-speaker Bowers & Wilkins sound system that could turn your road trip into a personal concert, and a roof-mounted 15.6-inch screen—because why not?

And for those who like their air as clean as their sense of humor, fear not! The EM90 comes equipped with a built-in air purifier. Because who needs to breathe in anything less than pure, mountain-fresh air while cruising down the highway?

Now, let’s talk performance. The EM90 is no slouch in the e-motor department, boasting a 200 kW powerhouse that can catapult you from a standstill to 100 km/h in a sprightly 8.3 seconds. With a 116 kWh battery under the hood, Volvo claims you can go from 10% to 80% charge in under 30 minutes – perfect for those moments when you’re running late and need a quick top-up. Plus, the EM90 promises a driving range of up to 738 km, giving you more excuses to avoid awkward family gatherings.


Jim Rowan sums it up best: “It’s an age-old cliché, but there really is no place like home. A place to connect with your loved ones, to truly be yourself. It’s this feeling of home that inspired our new EM90, a car with room for life.”

Crafted from the wisdom accumulated over 96 years, the EM90 is a technological marvel and the pinnacle of comfort. And guess what, China gets to be the first to bask in the glory of the new Volvo EM90. Because why shouldn’t the land of the Great Wall and electric scooters lead the charge into the electric automotive future?

So, buckle up, dear readers, because the Volvo EM90 is not just a car; it’s an electrifying experience wrapped in Scandinavian style and delivered with a side of electric sass. It’s time to trade the gas pump for a power outlet and hit the road with the EM90 – where home is wherever the charging station is!

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